Let the Truth be Told...

Let the Truth be told...

You win...

...I care, no longer...

I have encountered FAR MORE CHILDREN, than ADULTS, whom have SOOOOOOOooooo... much more of a GRASP of reality, than their OPPRESSING and IGNORANT 'parents'...

I can ONLY say...

"Reap the Whirlwind...!!!

Reap the whirlwind...!!!

Welcome to "Preparation"

ENTER WITHIN...  For a 'Glimpse of Reality'...

The Ancient Egypt Site...

all life is suffering

suffering caused by desire

end suffering if end desire

end desire through morality


Egyptian depiction of Planet X...  NASA calls it 'Protoplanet TMR-1C'... YOU figure out the TRUTH...!!! The 'Floods' ARE coming folks...!!!

Chief Dan Evehema's
Message to Mankind

I am very glad to have this time to send a message to you. We are celebrating a time in our history which is both filled with joy and sadness. I am very glad to have this opportunity to share these feelings with you because we know many of you are having the same troubles.

We Hopi believe that the human race has passed through three different worlds and life ways since the beginning. At the end of each prior world, human life has been purified or punished by the Great Spirit "Massauu" due mainly to corruption, greed and turning away from the Great Spirit's teachings. The last great destruction was the flood which destroyed all but a few faithful ones who asked and received a permission from the Great Spirit to live with Him in this new land. The Great Spirit said, "It is up to you, if you are willing to live my poor, humble and simple life way. It is hard but if you agree to live according to my teachings and instructions, if you never lose faith in the life I shall give you, you may come and live with me." The Hopi and all who were saved from the great flood made a sacred covenant with the Great Spirit at that time. We Hopi made an oath that we will never turn away from Him. For us the Creators laws never change or break down.

To the Hopi the Great Spirit is all powerful. He appeared to the first people as a man and talked with them in the beginning of this creation world. He taught us how to live, to worship, where to go and what food to carry, gave us seeds to plant and harvest. He gave us a set of sacred stone tablets into which He breathed all teachings in order to safeguard his land and life. In these stone tablets were made, instructions and prophecies and warnings. This was done with the help of a Spider woman and Her two grandsons. They were wise and powerful helpers of the Great Spirit.

Before the Great Spirit went into hiding, He and Spider woman put before the leaders of the different groups of people many colors and sized of corn for them to choose their food in this world. The Hopi was the last to pick and then choose their food in this world. The Hopi then choose the smallest ear of corn. Then Massauu said, "You have shown me you are wise and humble for this reason you will be called Hopi (people of peace) and I will place in your authority all land and life to guard, protect and hold trust for Me until I return to you in later days for I am the First and the Last."

This why when a Hopi is ordained into the higher religious order, the earth and all living things are placed upon his hands. He becomes a parent to all life on earth. He is entitled to advise and correct his children in whatever peaceful way he can. So we can never give up knowing that our message of peace will reach our children. Then it is together with the other spiritual leaders the destiny of our future children is placed. We are instructed to hold this world in balance within the land and the many universes with special prayers and ritual which continue to this day.

It was to the Spider woman's two grandsons the sacred stone tablets were given. These two brothers were then instructed to carry them to a place the Great Spirit had instructed them. The older brother was to go immediately to the east, to the rising sun and upon reaching his destination was instructed to immediately start to look for his younger brother who shall remain in the land of the Great Spirit. The Older brothers mission when he returned was to help his younger brother (Hopi) bring about peace, brotherhood and everlasting life on his return.

Hopi, the younger brother, was instructed to cover all land and mark it well with footprints and sacred markings to claim this land for the Creator and peace on earth. We established our ceremonials and sacred shrines to hold this world in balance in accordance with our first promise to the Creator. This is how our migration story goes, until we meet the Creator at Old Oribe (place that solidifies) over 1000 years ago. It was at that meeting when he gave to us these prophecies to give to you now at this closing of the Fourth World of destruction and the beginning of the Fifth World of peace. He gave us many prophecies to pass on to you and all have come to pass. This is how we know the timing is now to reveal the last warnings and instructions to mankind.

We were told to settle permanently here in Hopi land where we met the Great Spirit and wait for Older Brother who went east to return to us. When he returns to this land he will place his stone tablets side by side to show all the world that they are our true brothers. When the road in the sky has been fulfilled and when the inventing of something, in Hopi means, gourd of ashes, a gourd that when drops upon the earth will boil everything within a large space and nothing will grow for a very long time. When the leaders turned to evil ways instead of the Great Spirit we were told there would be many ways this life may be destroyed. If human kind does not heed our prophecy and return to ones original spiritual instructions. We were told of three helpers who were commissioned by the Great Spirit to help Hopi bring about the peaceful life on earth would appear to help us and we should not change our homes, our ceremonials, our hair, because the true helpers might not recognize us as the true Hopi. So we have been waiting all these years.

It is known that our True White Brother, when he comes, will be all powerful and will wear a red cap or red cloak. He will be large in population, belong to no religion but his very own. He will bring with him the sacred stone tablets. With him there will be two great ones both very wise and powerful. One will have a symbol or sign of swastika which represents purity and is Female, a producer of life. The third one or the second one of the two helpers to our True White Brother will have a sign of a symbol of the sun. He, too, will be many people and very wise and powerful. We have in our sacred Kachina ceremonies a gourd rattle which is still in use today with these symbols of these powerful helpers of our True Brother.

It is also prophesied that if these three fail to fulfill their mission then the one from the west will come like a big storm. He will be many, in numbers and unmerciful. When he comes he will cover the land like the red ants and over take this land in one day. If the three helpers chosen by the Creator fulfill their sacred mission and even if there are only one, two or three of the true Hopi remaining holding fast to the last ancient teaching and instructions the Great Spirit, Massauu will appear before all and our would will be saved. The three will lay our a new life plan which leads to everlasting life and peace. The earth will become new as it was from the beginning. Flowers will bloom again, wild games will return to barren lands and there will be abundance of food for all. Those who are saved will share everything equally and they all will recognize Great Spirit and speak one language.

We are now faced with great problems, not only here but throughout the land. Ancient cultures are being annihilated. Our people's lands are being taken from them, leaving them no place to call their own. Why is this happening? It is happening because many have given up or manipulated their original spiritual teachings. The way of life which the Great Spirit has given to all its people of the world, whatever your original instructions are not being honored. It is because of this great sickness called greed, which infects every land and country that simple people are losing what they have kept for thousands of years.

Now we are at the very end of our trail. Many people no longer recognize the true path of the Great Spirit. They have, in fact, no respect for the Great Spirit or for our precious Mother Earth, who gives us all life.

We are instructed in our ancient prophecy that this would occur. We were told that someone would try to go up to the moon: that they would bring something back from the moon; and that after that, nature would show signs of losing its balance. Now we see that coming about. All over the world there are now many signs that nature is no longer in balance. Floods, drought, earthquakes, and great storms are occurring and causing much suffering. We do not want this to occur in our country and we pray to the Great Spirit to save us from such things. But there are now signs that this very same thing might happen very soon on our own land.

Now we must look upon each other as brothers and sisters. There is no more time for divisions between people. Today I call upon all of us, from right here at home, Hotevilla, where we to are guilty of gossiping and causing divisions even among our own families; out to the entire world where thievery, war and lying goes on every day. These divisions will not be our salvation. Wars only bring more wars never peace. Only by joining together in a Spiritual Peace with love in our hearts for one another, love in our hearts for the Great Spirit and Mother Earth, shall we be saved from the terrible Purification Day which is just ahead.

There are many of you in this world who are honest people. We know you spiritually for we are the "Men's Society Grandfathers" who have been charged to pray for you and all life on earth never forgetting anything or any one in our ceremonials. Our prayer is to have a good happy life, plenty of soft gentle rain for abundant crops. We pray for balance on earth to live in peace and leave a beautiful world to the children yet to come. We know you have good hearts but good hearts are not enough to help us out with these great problems. In the past some of you have tried to help us Hopis, and we will always be thankful for you efforts. But now we need your help in the worst way. We want the people of the world to know the truth of our situation.

This land which people call the Land of the Freedom celebrates many days reminding people of the world of these things. Yet in well over 200 years the original Americans have not seen a free day. We are suffering the final insult. Our people are now losing the one thing which give life and meaning of life--our ceremonial land, which is being taken away from us. Hotevilla is the last holy consecrated, undisturbed traditional Native American sacred shrine to the Creator. As the prophecy says, this sacred shrine must keep its spiritual pathways open. This village is the spiritual vortex for the Hopi to guide the many awakening Native Americans and other true hearts home to their own unique culture. Hotevilla was established by the last remaining spiritual elders to maintain peace and balance on this continent from the tip of South America up to Alaska. Many of our friends say Hotevilla is a sacred shrine, a national and world treasure and must be preserved. We need your help.

Where is the freedom which you all fight for and sacrifice your children for? Is it only the Indian people who have lost or are all Americans losing the very thing which you original came here to find? We don't share the freedom of the press because what gets into the papers is what the government wants people to believe, not what is really happening. We have no freedom of speech, because we are persecuted by our own people for speaking our beliefs.

We are at the final stages now and there is a last force that is about to take away our remaining homeland. We are still being denied many things including the rite to be Hopis and to make our living in accordance with our religious teachings. The Hopi leaders have warned leaders in the White House and the leaders in the Glass House but they do not listen. So as our prophecy says then it must be up to the people with good pure hearts that will not be afraid to help us to fulfill our destiny in peace for this world. We now stand at a cross road whether to lead ourselves in everlasting life or total destruction. We believe that human beings spiritual power through prayer is so strong it decides life on earth.

So many people have come to Hopiland to meet with us. Some of you we have met on your lands. Many times people have asked how they can help us. Now I hope and pray that your help will come. If you have a way to spread the truth, through the newspapers, radio, books, thought meeting with powerful people, tell the truth! Tell them what you know to be true. Tell them what you have seen here; what you have heard us say; what you have seen with your own eyes. In this way, if we do fall, let it be said that we tried, right up to the end, to hold fast to the path of peace as we were originally instructed to do by the Great Spirit. Should you really succeed, we will all realize our mistakes of the past and return to the true path-living in harmony as brothers and sisters, sharing our mother, the earth with all other living creatures. In this way we could bring about a new world. A world which would be led by the great Spirit and our mother will provide plenty and happiness for all.

God bless you, each one of you and know our prayers for peace meet yours as the sun rises and sets. May the Great Spirit guide you safely into the path of love, peace freedom and God on this Earth Mother. May the holy ancestors of love and light keep you safe in your land and homes. Pray for God to give you something important to do in this great work which lies ahead of us all to bring peace on earth. We the Hopi still hold the sacred stone tablets and now await the coming of our True White Brother and others seriously ready to work for the Creator's peace on earth.

Be well, my children, and think good thoughts of peace and togetherness. Peace for all life on earth and peace with one another in our homes, families and countries. We are not so different in the Creator's eyes. The same great Father Sun shines his love on each of us daily just as Mother Earth prepares the sustance for our table, do they not? We are one after all.

Chief Dan Evehema, (105) Spiritual leader, Eldest Elder Greeswood / Roadrunner Clan Society Father / Snake Priest / Kachina Father.

From Hotevilla, Arizona, Hopi Sovereign Nation.

Chief Dan Evehema with Dee See Mana
in a Corn Field in Hotevilla Arizona

The Hopi Way
Cloud Dancing
In Memory of Chief Dan Evehema and Thomas Banyacya
Dedicated to Spreading the Hopi Message

Thank you for coming!

These are 'The Igi-gi'...  They are our DIRECT Cousins...  Except, we were the SLAVE LABOR...  Sucks, huh...??

Project Montauk:: Long Island, New York...  BEWARE...!!!


The Black Vault:: Where Government Secrets...  Become Known...!!!

N-System:: The espial device peeping into your privacy...  ::MUST READ and FIGHT NOW...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A collection of relevant ancient scriptures... THE FLOODS MAY BE COMING...!!!

BIBLE:: King James Version

BIBLE:: Revised Standard Version

MESOPOTAMIA:: The Code of Hammurabi

SUMERIA:: Enuma Elish='When on high':: The Babylonian Epic of Creation

SUMERIA:: Enuma Elish='When on high':: The Babylonian Creation Epic

SUMERIA:: Babylonia and Near Eastern Resources

Flood Stories From Around The World...   (ART by Michaelangelo)

CLICK HERE:: Flood Stories From Around The World... (ART by Michaelangelo)

Measuring Noah's Ark...



Sumerian Mythology FAQ (Version 1.10html)by Christopher Siren, 1992,1994

Sumerian Language Page

Sumerian Language Page:: Sumerian compound-sign words - initials A through K

Sumerian Language Page:: Sumerian compound-sign words - initials L through Z

MESOPOTAMIA:: Mesopotamia stands at the very dawn of human recorded history; we are often fooled into thinking of Mesopotamia as some distant relative, but it is, in fact, a culture stunningly different from our own. We are going to tour the mysteries of this foundational civilization: it's life, it's words, it's gods, and it's writing; you're invited to browse through the dust and heat of one of first cultures to inscribe for the future the story of its existence.

MESOPOTAMIA:: The Code of the Hammurabi

The Sumerians of Mesopotamia

Welcome to QuesT:: The World Wide Web Homepage of: Llewellyn A. Wykel & Karol M. Kelly


QuesT:: U.F.O. & Alien Contact

Shadow Stories of Indonesia:: Synopsis of the Mahabarata

Akkadian Language

Sumerian Gods and Goddesses

Middle Eastern Mythology

The Way:: DOMA Daughters of Ma

The Way: 2:: Why Am I Here?

The Way: 9:: The Messiah Projects: The Buddha, Son of Maya

The Coming of the Elohim

from...  Series2000.com

...Are YOU ready...?!?

Morgana's Observatory...

Egyptian Temple Wall in Abydos...  What do the Egyptians know about ...?!?

Egyptian Temple Wall in Abydos...  What do the Egyptians know about ...?!?

(...You mean that THIS is REAL...?!?)

Mothership:: Ufomind Top Level

...Are YOU ready...?!?

...Are YOU ready...?!?

~'Stop... Hey... What'sat Sound... Ev'rybody Look What's Goin' Down...'~

I am going to break this down VERY simply for you...

1) Neil Armstrong was the FIRST HUMAN on the moon...




CLICK HERE... (Indisputable PROOF of the Unidendified Flying Object//Identified Alien Craft phenomenon...)
CLICK HERE... (Indisputable PROOF of the Unidendified Flying Object//Identified Alien Craft phenomenon...)

CLICK HERE... (Enough REFERENCE to get you STARTED on YOUR quest to DISCOVER the TRUTH for YOURSELF...)
CLICK HERE... (Enough REFERENCE to get you STARTED on YOUR quest to DISCOVER the TRUTH for YOURSELF...)

CLICK HERE... (MAKE NO MISTAKE:: This is the podium of the NEW WORLD ORDER... May GOD help us...)
CLICK HERE... (MAKE NO MISTAKE:: This is the podium of the NEW WORLD ORDER... May GOD help us...)

" No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and mammon" ."You are the ones who justify yourselves in the eyes of men, but God knows your hearts. What is highly valued among men is detestable in Gods sight ." (Lk 16:13-15). "The Sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord. And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved . " ( Ac 2: 20-21).

Please be patient if you are using a modem...

This page is loading indisputable photographic proof of the UFO phenomenon...

Enter within for, what I consider to be, enough documentation to get you started... -Gemini


 Hey!!! Does anyone else acknowledge that we are NOT the center of THIS Universe??

Yes, The're here...  Deal with it... And ask WHY??

The SportModel

"The craft sits 16 feet tall and 52 feet, nine inches in diameter. The skin of the disc is metal which is the color of unploished stainless steel. The SportModel sits on it's belly when it's not energized and not on the steroetypical tri-pod legs that folk lore usually associates with this craft."
Yes, The're here...  Deal with it... And ask WHY??

PLEASE NOTE:: The STRONG purple theme going on here... From how many sources??

THIS IS FROM 1883!!! From how many sources??

THIS IS FROM 1883!!! From how many sources??

"At a certain point when the disc was energized, a form of writing appeared on the right side of the archway directly in front of the seats. The remainder of the metalic archway face became transparent, exposing the exterior view from that angle." -Bob Lazar

I have been performing exhaustive searches on the word FARUFON... I have NOT found either a NAME nor the word FARUFON...

On one of Bob's pages of notes he states::

1) Symbols tilt or alternate tilt as we discussed.
2) I remember many of the symbols had "eyes" (other dots in them) they reminded me of 1 celled creatures (Protozoa, etc.) with the water vacules"
-Bob Lazar

The ONLY results I have found express 'furthest distance of space and time' & 'reticulate - a net or web of veins'... I beg and urge you to take this search on for your self... WE NEED TO EXPOSE THE TRUTH!!!

NOTE:: The characters appear to repeat in 2-line intervals... but note closely the subtle differences in the 'dots', some are blacked out and others not... PLEASE HELP ME RESEARCH THIS!!!

This is a comparison between an actual photo and the artist's interpretation...

This is a comparison between an actual photo and the artist's interpretation...

This is a comparison between an actual photo and the artist's interpretation...

This is a comparison between an actual photo and the artist's interpretation...

This is a comparison between an actual photo and the artist's interpretation... "The power source is a reactor which uses element 115 as its fuel. In this reactor element 115 is used as a target and is bombarded with protons in a small, highly sophisticated particle accelerator. When a proton fuses into the nucleus of an atom of 115, it is transmuted and becomes an atom of element 116. Although we too can transmute elements here on earth, it is typically not done in this fashion, or at anywhere near this level of efficiency. Furthermore, we have yet to produce anything heavier than element 112.

As soon as each atom of 115 is transmuted into 116, it immediately decays and produces a radiation unlike that which we normally observe in nuclear decay. Each atom of element 116 decays and releases two antiprotons (anti-hydrogen), a form of antimatter. Antimatter can be produced in particle accelerators here on earth, but only in minute quantities and only stored for short periods of time.

The flux of antimatter particles produced in the reactor are channeled down an evacuated, tuned tube (which keeps it from contacting with the matter that surrounds it) and reacted with a gaseous matter target. This Total Annihilation reaction is the most efficient and energetic nuclear reaction there is. The more familiar nuclear reactions are Fission, producing energy from the splitting of atoms as used in nuclear reactors & atomic bombs, and Fusion, the fusing or combining of atoms (typically hydrogen nuclei) to release even more energy. Fusion is the reaction that powers the sun and other stars and is what gives hydrogen bombs their "punch". These two more common nuclear reactions are dwarfed by the power and efficiency of the annihilation reaction used in the alien reactor.

The reaction between the gaseous matter target and the antimatter particles produces a continuos release of tremendous amounts of heat. This heat is converted directly into electricity by the use of a thermionic Generator. The Thermeonic generator used in this reactor is so efficient, that there is no detectable waste heat produced. This is an apparent violation of one of the basic laws of thermodynamics. Similar, but not nearly as efficient or powerful, thermionic generators are used as power sources in our satellites and space probes.

As amazing and efficient as all this seems, it is only secondary to the primary function of the reactor. The antiparticle flux emitted from the transmuting element 115 is not the only energy radiated during operation. This is the point at which the gravity A wave is first produced. The gravity wave emitted by the 115 reaction appears on the hemisphere of the reactor, propagating up the tuned waveguide in a fashion very similar to the way microwaves behave.

All of the actions and reactions inside the reactor are orchestrated perfectly like a tiny little ballet, and in this manner, the reactor provides an enormous amount of power used to amplify the gravity A wave so it can cause the requisite space/time distortion for space travel.." -Bob Lazar

OK... I want you all to take a close look at these two sets of pictures... They, together, make an excellent point of reference...

The top photo is of the SportModel... If you look at the 250% enlargment, you will see::
1) The Gravitational Anomaly surrounding the profile view of the SportModel.
2) The antenna on top of the ship is surrounded by, or appears to be the epi-center of the gravataional anomaly.
3) Underneath the antenna... YOU CAN SEE THE BLACK WINDOW OF THE SPORTMODEL... Which I dont understand why the artist's rendering has blatently omitted the window... as if the window did not fall into place with his interpretation!!! DON'T DISTORT THE TRUTH!!!
4)The SportModel is traveling to the left, as can be seen from the upper left portion of the gravatational anomaly is "opened" such to pull the ship to the left of the photo... The gravatational anomaly directly underneath is the displacement of the Gravity-B wave from the planet... And finally, the absolute lower-right of the gravatational anomaly is the "shelf" of the existing matter of which the SportModel is pushed..
5) The John Bro's Rendering is a perfect example of why I believe that these photos ARE NOT RENDERED!!! Come on now... JUST THINK!!!
6) John Bro believes that the light refraction through the gravatational anomaly are simply puffy looking wings... ummmmm... I don't know about that....

This is a comparison between an actual photo and the artist's interpretation...

This is a comparison between a Jet Airliner & a LARGE TRANSPORT...

This is a comparison between a Jet Airliner & a LARGE TRANSPORT...

Now... Do I have your attention?!?

OK... For the sake of theory... If the SportModel is 16 feet tall & 52 feet 9 inches in diameter, then 1 instance of the Gravatational Anomaly is edequate for the ships's size...

Then PLEASE contemplate the size of a ship having at least 3 Gravaitational Anomalies...

Better yet... Think of the ship's purpose...

EBE:: Reticulan

Origin:: Zeta 2 reticuli, Reticulum Four
Right Ascension: 4 hours, Declination: -60 degrees, Visible between latitudes 20 and -90 degrees, Best seen in January (at 9:00 PM)

HD:: 20807 // Vis. Mag.:: 5.24 // light years:: 36.6 // Parallax:: 0.089" // Luminosity:: 0.8

"Within the chest cavity, is a single organ, compartmentalized and including the heart, lungs, stomach and other unknown organs."

Yes, The're here...  Deal with it... And ask WHY?? Yes, The're here...  Deal with it... And ask WHY?? Yes, The're here...  Deal with it... And ask WHY??


 Hey!!! Does anyone else acknowledge that we are NOT the center of THIS Universe??