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This page is loading indisputable photographic proof of the UFO phenomenon...

Enter within for, what I consider to be, enough documentation to get you started... -Gemini


 Hey!!! Does anyone else acknowledge that we are NOT the center of THIS Universe??

Yes, The're here...  Deal with it... And ask WHY??

The SportModel

"The craft sits 16 feet tall and 52 feet, nine inches in diameter. The skin of the disc is metal which is the color of unploished stainless steel. The SportModel sits on it's belly when it's not energized and not on the steroetypical tri-pod legs that folk lore usually associates with this craft."
Yes, The're here...  Deal with it... And ask WHY??

PLEASE NOTE:: The STRONG purple theme going on here... From how many sources??

THIS IS FROM 1883!!! From how many sources??

THIS IS FROM 1883!!! From how many sources??

"At a certain point when the disc was energized, a form of writing appeared on the right side of the archway directly in front of the seats. The remainder of the metalic archway face became transparent, exposing the exterior view from that angle." -Bob Lazar

I have been performing exhaustive searches on the word FARUFON... I have NOT found either a NAME nor the word FARUFON...

On one of Bob's pages of notes he states::

1) Symbols tilt or alternate tilt as we discussed.
2) I remember many of the symbols had "eyes" (other dots in them) they reminded me of 1 celled creatures (Protozoa, etc.) with the water vacules"
-Bob Lazar

The ONLY results I have found express 'furthest distance of space and time' & 'reticulate - a net or web of veins'... I beg and urge you to take this search on for your self... WE NEED TO EXPOSE THE TRUTH!!!

NOTE:: The characters appear to repeat in 2-line intervals... but note closely the subtle differences in the 'dots', some are blacked out and others not... PLEASE HELP ME RESEARCH THIS!!!

This is a comparison between an actual photo and the artist's interpretation...

This is a comparison between an actual photo and the artist's interpretation...

This is a comparison between an actual photo and the artist's interpretation...

This is a comparison between an actual photo and the artist's interpretation...

This is a comparison between an actual photo and the artist's interpretation... "The power source is a reactor which uses element 115 as its fuel. In this reactor element 115 is used as a target and is bombarded with protons in a small, highly sophisticated particle accelerator. When a proton fuses into the nucleus of an atom of 115, it is transmuted and becomes an atom of element 116. Although we too can transmute elements here on earth, it is typically not done in this fashion, or at anywhere near this level of efficiency. Furthermore, we have yet to produce anything heavier than element 112.

As soon as each atom of 115 is transmuted into 116, it immediately decays and produces a radiation unlike that which we normally observe in nuclear decay. Each atom of element 116 decays and releases two antiprotons (anti-hydrogen), a form of antimatter. Antimatter can be produced in particle accelerators here on earth, but only in minute quantities and only stored for short periods of time.

The flux of antimatter particles produced in the reactor are channeled down an evacuated, tuned tube (which keeps it from contacting with the matter that surrounds it) and reacted with a gaseous matter target. This Total Annihilation reaction is the most efficient and energetic nuclear reaction there is. The more familiar nuclear reactions are Fission, producing energy from the splitting of atoms as used in nuclear reactors & atomic bombs, and Fusion, the fusing or combining of atoms (typically hydrogen nuclei) to release even more energy. Fusion is the reaction that powers the sun and other stars and is what gives hydrogen bombs their "punch". These two more common nuclear reactions are dwarfed by the power and efficiency of the annihilation reaction used in the alien reactor.

The reaction between the gaseous matter target and the antimatter particles produces a continuos release of tremendous amounts of heat. This heat is converted directly into electricity by the use of a thermionic Generator. The Thermeonic generator used in this reactor is so efficient, that there is no detectable waste heat produced. This is an apparent violation of one of the basic laws of thermodynamics. Similar, but not nearly as efficient or powerful, thermionic generators are used as power sources in our satellites and space probes.

As amazing and efficient as all this seems, it is only secondary to the primary function of the reactor. The antiparticle flux emitted from the transmuting element 115 is not the only energy radiated during operation. This is the point at which the gravity A wave is first produced. The gravity wave emitted by the 115 reaction appears on the hemisphere of the reactor, propagating up the tuned waveguide in a fashion very similar to the way microwaves behave.

All of the actions and reactions inside the reactor are orchestrated perfectly like a tiny little ballet, and in this manner, the reactor provides an enormous amount of power used to amplify the gravity A wave so it can cause the requisite space/time distortion for space travel.." -Bob Lazar

OK... I want you all to take a close look at these two sets of pictures... They, together, make an excellent point of reference...

The top photo is of the SportModel... If you look at the 250% enlargment, you will see::
1) The Gravitational Anomaly surrounding the profile view of the SportModel.
2) The antenna on top of the ship is surrounded by, or appears to be the epi-center of the gravataional anomaly.
3) Underneath the antenna... YOU CAN SEE THE BLACK WINDOW OF THE SPORTMODEL... Which I dont understand why the artist's rendering has blatently omitted the window... as if the window did not fall into place with his interpretation!!! DON'T DISTORT THE TRUTH!!!
4)The SportModel is traveling to the left, as can be seen from the upper left portion of the gravatational anomaly is "opened" such to pull the ship to the left of the photo... The gravatational anomaly directly underneath is the displacement of the Gravity-B wave from the planet... And finally, the absolute lower-right of the gravatational anomaly is the "shelf" of the existing matter of which the SportModel is pushed..
5) The John Bro's Rendering is a perfect example of why I believe that these photos ARE NOT RENDERED!!! Come on now... JUST THINK!!!
6) John Bro believes that the light refraction through the gravatational anomaly are simply puffy looking wings... ummmmm... I don't know about that....

This is a comparison between an actual photo and the artist's interpretation...

This is a comparison between a Jet Airliner & a LARGE TRANSPORT...

This is a comparison between a Jet Airliner & a LARGE TRANSPORT...

Now... Do I have your attention?!?

OK... For the sake of theory... If the SportModel is 16 feet tall & 52 feet 9 inches in diameter, then 1 instance of the Gravatational Anomaly is edequate for the ships's size...

Then PLEASE contemplate the size of a ship having at least 3 Gravaitational Anomalies...

Better yet... Think of the ship's purpose...

EBE:: Reticulan

Origin:: Zeta 2 reticuli, Reticulum Four
Right Ascension: 4 hours, Declination: -60 degrees, Visible between latitudes 20 and -90 degrees, Best seen in January (at 9:00 PM)

HD:: 20807 // Vis. Mag.:: 5.24 // light years:: 36.6 // Parallax:: 0.089" // Luminosity:: 0.8

"Within the chest cavity, is a single organ, compartmentalized and including the heart, lungs, stomach and other unknown organs."

Yes, The're here...  Deal with it... And ask WHY?? Yes, The're here...  Deal with it... And ask WHY?? Yes, The're here...  Deal with it... And ask WHY??


 Hey!!! Does anyone else acknowledge that we are NOT the center of THIS Universe??