PLEASE NOTE:: If you are using a MODEM... BE PREPARED TO WAIT...!!! This site is "tooled" around a T-1...

December 21st 2012

"Oh WRETCHED race of men, to space confined!
What honour can ye pay to him, whose mind
To that which lies beyond hath penetrated?
The symbols he hath formed shall sound his praise,
And lead him on through unimagined ways
To conquests new, in worlds not yet created.

First, ye Determinants! In ordered row
And massive column ranged, before him go,
To form a phalanx for his safe protection.
Ye powers of the nth roots of - 1!
Around his head in ceaseless* cycles run,
As unembodied spirits of direction.

And you, ye undevelopable scrolls!
Above the host wave your emblazoned rolls,
Ruled for the record of his bright inventions.
Ye cubic surfaces! By threes and nines
Draw round his camp your seven-and-twenty lines-
The seal of Solomon in three dimensions.

March on, symbolic host! With step sublime,
Up to the flaming bounds of Space and Time!
There pause, until by Dickenson depicted,
In two dimensions, we the form may trace
Of him whose soul, too large for vulgar space,
In n dimensions flourished unrestricted."

-- James Clerk Maxwell
(To the Committee of the Cayley Portrait Fund)

James Clerk Maxwell

Yes, The're here...  Deal with it... And ask WHY??

Yes, The're here...  Deal with it... And ask WHY??

Yes, The're here...  Deal with it... And ask WHY??

OK folks... You are about to indulge in the knowledge of your own existence. What you are about to discover is quite real...

Seriously... There are many "religions", but only one TRUTH... I mention Religion, because it is a VERY important aspect into the secrecy...

1) Accept the FACT that we are a hybrid species, formed between the Igigi (Reticulans // Kurus) and the Anunaki (Pleiades // Pandus)...

2) Accept the FACT that we are not the center of the Universe...

3) Accept the FACT that we receive enormous technical advances in 3,600 year intervals...

4) Accept the FACT that the Mesopotamians, Sumerians, and the Mayans all foretell that THEY will RETURN and STAY in the year 2012...

5) Accept the FACT that the Protoplanet TMR-1C (discovered by Dr. Susan Terebey) is on an approach course to THIS solar system.

Say hello to Nibiru...

6) Accept the FACT that HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE ARE DISSAPPEARING EACH YEAR!!! Do you honestly believe that they are all buried in someone's back yard??

7) Accept the FACT that WE have been 'tested' on for millennia...

8) Accept the FACT that the Igigi live at Zeta 2 reticuli, Reticulum Four, Right Ascension: 4 hours, Declination: -60 degrees, Visible between latitudes 20 and -90 degrees, Best seen in January (at 9:00 PM)

9) Accept the FACT that our "Government" has agreed to submit it's citizens (YOU) as guinea pigs to these Reticulans... In exchange for a Color TV and a MicroWave Oven...

~'Stop... Hey... What'sat Sound... Ev'rybody Look What's Goin' Down...'~

10) Accept the FACT that our "Government" is pissed that they were lied to (Much the same as how the "Government" lies to YOU//US...)

MAKE NO MISTAKE:: This is the podium of the NEW WORLD ORDER... (May GOD help us...)
MAKE NO MISTAKE:: This is the podium of the NEW WORLD ORDER...

(May GOD help us...)

11) Accept the FACT that there is no "GOD"...

12) Accept the FACT that the "Government" is your "GOD"...

($$...In GOD we TRUST...$$)

13) Accept the FACT that our "Government" CANNOT PROTECT US!!!

14) Accept the FACT that OUR GrandFather's GrandFather's Grandfather's GrandFathers were warriors... And didn't have to worry about punching a fucking time-card to prove that they were MEN...

15) Accept the FACT that "Homo-Sapiens" are the only 'semi-native' species on this little planet that has the concept of the dollar...

16) Accept the FACT that travelling through the Universe has absolutely NOTHING to do with travelling faster than the speed of light...

"The power source is a reactor which uses element 115 as its fuel. In this reactor element 115 is used as a target and is bombarded with protons in a small, highly sophisticated particle accelerator. When a proton fuses into the nucleus of an atom of 115, it is transmuted and becomes an atom of element 116. Although we too can transmute elements here on earth, it is typically not done in this fashion, or at anywhere near this level of efficiency. Furthermore, we have yet to produce anything heavier than element 112.

As soon as each atom of 115 is transmuted into 116, it immediately decays and produces a radiation unlike that which we normally observe in nuclear decay. Each atom of element 116 decays and releases two antiprotons (anti-hydrogen), a form of antimatter. Antimatter can be produced in particle accelerators here on earth, but only in minute quantities and only stored for short periods of time.

The flux of antimatter particles produced in the reactor are channeled down an evacuated, tuned tube (which keeps it from contacting with the matter that surrounds it) and reacted with a gaseous matter target. This Total Annihilation reaction is the most efficient and energetic nuclear reaction there is. The more familiar nuclear reactions are Fission, producing energy from the splitting of atoms as used in nuclear reactors & atomic bombs, and Fusion, the fusing or combining of atoms (typically hydrogen nuclei) to release even more energy. Fusion is the reaction that powers the sun and other stars and is what gives hydrogen bombs their "punch". These two more common nuclear reactions are dwarfed by the power and efficiency of the annihilation reaction used in the alien reactor.

The reaction between the gaseous matter target and the antimatter particles produces a continuos release of tremendous amounts of heat. This heat is converted directly into electricity by the use of a thermionic Generator. The Thermeonic generator used in this reactor is so efficient, that there is no detectable waste heat produced. This is an apparent violation of one of the basic laws of thermodynamics. Similar, but not nearly as efficient or powerful, thermionic generators are used as power sources in our satellites and space probes.

As amazing and efficient as all this seems, it is only secondary to the primary function of the reactor. The antiparticle flux emitted from the transmuting element 115 is not the only energy radiated during operation. This is the point at which the gravity A wave is first produced. The gravity wave emitted by the 115 reaction appears on the hemisphere of the reactor, propagating up the tuned waveguide in a fashion very similar to the way microwaves behave.

All of the actions and reactions inside the reactor are orchestrated perfectly like a tiny little ballet, and in this manner, the reactor provides an enormous amount of power used to amplify the gravity A wave so it can cause the requisite space/time distortion for space travel.." -Bob Lazar

17) Accept the FACT that the "Homo-Sapiens" were saved from extinction by Anu (by sparring Zuzu's blood line), only on the premise that Mankind (beginning with the mesopotamians) are to exist as slaves to mine gold as to assist Nibiru's atmosphere from dissipating while transiting through the Helio-pause of THIS Solar System.

18) Accept the FACT that there is no reason for gold to be as valuable as it is... You cannot eat or drink it... (Or can you??)

19) Accept the FACT that Fort Knox exists...

20) Accept the FACT that mankind MUST, from this point forward, view ALL of mankind as kindred... and not as a nemesis... WE MUST BECOME AWARE!!!

-Gemini 7:15:1998




Sumerian Mythology FAQ (Version 1.10html)by Christopher Siren, 1992,1994


Sumerian Language Page

Sumerian Language Page:: Sumerian compound-sign words - initials A through K

Sumerian Language Page:: Sumerian compound-sign words - initials L through Z

MESOPOTAMIA:: Mesopotamia stands at the very dawn of human recorded history; we are often fooled into thinking of Mesopotamia as some distant relative, but it is, in fact, a culture stunningly different from our own. We are going to tour the mysteries of this foundational civilization: it's life, it's words, it's gods, and it's writing; you're invited to browse through the dust and heat of one of first cultures to inscribe for the future the story of its existence.

MESOPOTAMIA:: The Code of the Hammurabi

The Sumerians of Mesopotamia

Welcome to QuesT:: The World Wide Web Homepage of: Llewellyn A. Wykel & Karol M. Kelly


QuesT:: U.F.O. & Alien Contact

Shadow Stories of Indonesia:: Synopsis of the Mahabarata

Akkadian Language

Sumerian Gods and Goddesses

Middle Eastern Mythology

The Way:: DOMA Daughters of Ma

The Way: 2:: Why Am I Here?

The Way: 9:: The Messiah Projects: The Buddha, Son of Maya

The Coming of the Elohim


2012 Unlimited

Zero Point and the Schumann Resonance



Majestic 12:: Official FBI response to the Majestic 12... Scrawled with the term "BOGUS", all the data is confirmed and factual... Do the research!!!

In Search Of:: This page will kick you out from Underpaid... But it has some valuable information...

In Search Of:: NASA Cams:: This page will kick you out from Underpaid... But it has some valuable information...

In Search Of:: Index [Framed]:: This page will kick you out from Underpaid... But it has some valuable information...

The Black Vault:: Well worth the price of admission...

The Black Vault:: Sector 1 Level 2:: The Galactic Chamber Well worth the price of admission...

The Black Vault:: The Cassini Mission Well worth the price of admission...

Planet X:: Home of the New Scientific Renaissance

National Space Society On-Line:: The National Space Society promotes change in social, technical, economic, and political conditions to advance the day when people will live and work in space.

National Space Society On-Line:: Internation Space on the Internet

International Space Station

Space Education Electrified

The Enterprise Mission:: This is a VERY interesting site, which may have visually identified Nibiru (Planet X)... As well as stresses the whole concept of Quantum Physics and the Vortex Atom... GOTTA CHECK THIS ONE OUT!!!

The Enterprise Mission:: Hyperdimensional Test of Hubble's New "Runaway Planet" This is a VERY interesting site, which may have visually identified Nibiran (Planet X)... As well as stresses the whole concept of Quantum Physics and the Vortex Atom... GOTTA CHECK THIS ONE OUT!!!

The Sublime Lodge of the Holy Blue Brethren:: Sacerdotal Knights of National Security

Pacific-Sierra Research Corporation:: Pyramids on Mars


Montauk Air Force Station:: Active or Not? by John A. Quinn

Return to...

'Spread the Word':: The Official Website of the STW Alien Resistance Movement...